Monday, February 25, 2008

Yakuake causing Ubuntu tog log off?

I was using Ubuntu and started getting logged off. 3 hours later, I found it was Yakuake that was causing me to log off. I stopped using it and went back to Konsole. Now, I need a good alternative.

Connecting to a wireless network without security

Ubuntu strangely (well, at least the broadcom chipset) doesn't give an option for Open access - a connection without security. This link helped me a lot to set it up, particularly this part:
sudo iwconfig essid
sudo dhclient

Screen Hotspots / Corner Actions

In Ubuntu, with the compiz effects on, you get lots of free visual effects that make your Linux experience more pleasant. There's this app called Brightside that allows you to put actions in the corner of your screen. You need to use it with xautomation though to call the hotkeys of compiz.